Back from our trips and summer fun.... the new school year will be getting under way...soon. Us homeschoolers weren't quite ready for that and got to have a bit more of summer relaxation. But, since the public schools started, then seminary started, too. Janson and Ryah are both doing online seminary this year, as the release time schedule accommodates the high school, but not always the homeschoolers. Some of their classes will be right during the seminary times, so it won't work for us. I'm grateful, though, that these kids are self-motivated and really wanting to get all that they can out of seminary, so they are diligent and focused on it, even online. They had their first day of seminary--Mondays at 6 am, is the one day per week that they meet in person. One Saturday, Jonnie and Janson got up to do an early morning hike, in preparation for another hike the following week. After the hike....Janson and Colton both participated in the Stake basketball 3 on 3 to...