
Christmas Eve arrived! That super cold weather came--the coldest Christmas in Florida in 20 years, as we are told!  The whole country seems to be experiencing extreme cold weather. So, though this is not quite the "warm, beach Christmas" we thought we would have....we realize it was much more bearable than for others--with ice and blizzards and power-outages.  However, being in an RV had it's challenges.  The two days before Christmas had 'freeze warnings'. In the night, it got down to the 20's ("feel like" the teens).

We didn't have winter/snow clothes, so I guess we are fortunate that our kids tend to be pretty warm blooded (more so than us!). We managed with sweatshirts.  At the RV park, everyone was asked to either winterize the RVs or keep the faucets dripping all night, to prevent pipes freezing. So, we had the dripping going on. We had a scare that our water pump froze (which could damage it permanently)--but it turned out to be okay. Another tender mercy!!!! So grateful.

The kids were hard at work, preparing their gifts for each other. Some of our plans for service and caroling were foiled by the weather freeze, but we had lots of Christmas cheer going on in Hoppo Tabi! :)

We ventured out during the day on Christmas Eve, just to see a bit of Destin. We actually have been to Destin before. When we lived in Kentucky, we took a trip there in the summer time. It was the first beach that Sierra ever went to. She was just a baby then.

We went out on the beach behind Back Porch restaurant. And we got to see....Santa and his dolphins?!? :)

Even a Rudolph dolphin!
The picture turned out pretty cool!
That sweet family of mine...
White sand beaches...Janson is a big snow-fan, and I teased him that he got his 'white Christmas' after all!
Sierra heard that comment and promptly dropped down to make a "snow" angel!
We also went down to Destin Harborwalk, just to explore a bit. 

The boys "racing" down the stair rails...
That evening, we had our Christmas Eve dinner.  It was a bit more simple than usual, being in the RV....but, it was still very, very special.  I bought rolls, instead of being able to make them (no oven), but...we still had roast, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, and jello! Not too shabby! And "Christmas punch"!
And we enjoyed it, together!

Following dinner, we had our Nativity reenactment. Again, we improvised with what little we had, and I was impressed with what the kids came up with! 
Janson as Samuel the Lamanite, telling the people that Christ would come--
Our Joseph and Mary--
Traveling on the donkey... 
....Janson, the innkeeper--
Arriving at the stable that was offered to them--
With the newborn Son...  
The angel announcing the good news to the shepherds! 
Complete with the halo she made!
So sweet--
The shepherds arrived...
After following the star...

Our three wise men...

That traveled "far and wide", to find the Messiah....
(still a baby doll, though it was acknowledged that it likely took them a couple of years to find them)
We also sang some Christmas carols, and had a wonderful time sharing testimony and appreciation for Jesus Christ, our Savior.
We then had some treats, before bed.  Again, with limitations, I wasn't able to make my usual array of Christmas goodies this year. But, I DID make some! I made their favorite, Oreo Truffles. And I made some crispy rice treats, with Christmas sprinkles! :) They were pretty excited. 
They were giddy and happy on Christmas morning. Santa brought a few fun things.
And they were excited to share and comment on each other's surprises. 
Four of them got National Park coloring books and they were SO excited! Janson got an atlas of National Parks. Perfect for the year that we've had, visiting so many of those parks. 
Happy crew! 
We were ready for 9:00 church at Destin Ward. It was a very nice program. Sierra even went up front and joined the Primary to sing "Silent Night".  There were a number of beautiful musical numbers.
We then studied our 25th name of Christ, for this month. "Light of the World".
This has been a great way to invite the Christmas Spirit, and we have learned a lot and enjoyed studying them, and thinking of how we can better strive to be like Him.
And then, we opened presents from each other.
Daxton made a number of coupon books, showing a lot of thought for each individual he gave them to.
There were creations--like Colton making Sierra a "Harry Potter wand", that he whittled himself out of a stick he found.  Sierra loved the card he made with it--
Her own wand!

Colton and Daxton got a big bag of Craisins for Janson (his favorite snack!).
Sierra made (with Ryah's help) a disc of some of Colton's favorite songs--

Daxton gave Sierra one of his favorite shirts, that he outgrew.
Ryah was the original "CD maker" (asking Jonnie to show her how to do it)--and made a disc for Janson, of his favorite folk songs, sea shanties, and such.

Ryah is the duct-tape champion, and made all kinds of resourceful contraptions for others. Like this arm band, that holds pens, that Sierra can wear, while she works on drawings and letters.

Sierra made a lightsaber out of duct-tape for Daxton!
Jonnie thanking the kids--
Me thanking Janson for his coupons for me (and him lifting me off the ground, in a hug!)
Poems, notes, coupon books, creations,....there was so much thoughtfulness that went into these "simple" gifts. I was touched by each one of them, and their thinking of each other and coming up with ideas.
There was really a special feeling....

Jonnie and I did get each of them a "memento" gift of this year's journey.
They were each thrilled, and I'm so glad! 
AND...we got these family shirts, as a special reminder of our journey this year!
"The Smurthwaites Family Adventure 2022"
They're perfect! And everyone's shirt fit perfectly!!!! Love it!!

Everyone was so excited. I'm so glad!
People often ask, "Did you have a good Christmas?" Well, what makes a "good" Christmas? 
Did everything go how we planned? Was everything smooth and convenient? No.....we were on 'drip water' only, for much of it. We were in a tiny space, with freezing temperatures outside. We weren't able to do ALL of our traditions... But, we made the most of the ones we could do. And we started some new ones!  And there was a special spirit, being together and keeping things simple.  
Yes, it has been a good Christmas...It has been a very special Christmas.

We had a wonderful day together. I sure love this family of mine.

We are so blessed!!
That evening, we took a drive down Destin's "Candy Cane Lane"--
And we saw the house that won the decoration contest.
They sure went all out! But the part that made us laugh was the house next door that had a big sign, pointing to this house, that said: "Show Off!" Ha ha!
We had a most wonderful may even be one of our best Christmases! Such a good spirit and feeling of gratitude and love.
Merry Christmas!!

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