Everglades National Park & Florida Keys

We headed south outside of Miami, to Homestead (where our campsite was) and on Saturday, we went to visit the Everglades National Park!

The Everglades are very unique, and we learned a lot. These wetlands are only one-fifth of what they were before. There is nothing else like it and it has been referred to as a "river of grass".
There is a lot of diversity, too--including a variety of animals in the area.  They even have signs on the roads for panther crossing!!
We went and walked along the Ahinga trail, known for being a spot to see many different animals. It did not disappoint! 

We saw many fish and lizards and birds... 

And turtles!
Sierra and Jonnie, hand in hand.
It was fascinating to watch all the animal life.  And it was very peaceful.
AND THEN (dun dun dun....)
One of the kids spotted an alligator, a little way off.  We all saw it, and then it began to move! So we walked back and got quite the sight!
It swam right under the bridge we were on!
Yep, that's us...standing right by an ALLIGATOR! So cool.

That was definitely a highlight of our time at Everglades!

We also went and walked the Pa-hay-okee Trail (it's a Seminole phrase that means 'grassy waters').


We then went over to the Guy Bradley Trail and first went to the visitor center there.
 We liked this artwork depicting the various turtles:
We had a short trip down this trail....the mosquitoes were eating us alive!
So, we kept it brief!

It was a good day.  On our drive back to the campsite, we made a stop. My brother gave me a recommendation for a place called "Robert was Here". It's a "market"--but it was huge!
They had all kinds of animals there--

And an amazing amount of fresh produce, including the incredibly, BIG avocados!
We got a couple of milkshakes--one mango and one coconut. YUM! And we got some freshly made guacamole--YUM-A-ROO! And we got a mango--DIVINE! 
On Sunday, we went down to the Florida Keys! Jonnie really wanted to go to the Keys and since he would have to work on Monday, we decided to do it on Sunday. SO....we got up really early, dressed for church, packed a lunch, and headed down.
It's really a unique experience. Driving on the road connecting all the little "islands", or 'keys', rather. We went all the way to the end! 
We got there in plenty of time for church.  We attended the Key West Branch.
Small, but diverse, branch.  A couple of young families, some older retired couples, people who were born and raised there....and different languages spoken.  In fact, the sacrament was blessed in THREE languages! English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. 
Janson got to go with the Young Men to take the sacrament to a member in the hospital. There were no Young Women, so Ryah joined Jonnie and I for Sunday School.
AND....this was Colton's VERY last Sunday in Primary!! 
Next Sunday is Christmas, and they won't have Primary....so the next week, January 1st, he will be going into the Young Men's program! 
How are these kids growing up so fast?!? 
Colton and Daxton will be split up...until Daxton joins him in YM.  They are very close in age, but this last year, while we've been traveling, they have been good buds. They have often been meeting new people together, especially when we attended small wards or branches and their age groups were combined.  Best buddies...
(Daxton wanted a pic with Colton, for his last Sunday in Primary--they have their "symbols of Christmas" chains they made in class around them).
After church, we went to see a bit of Key West. Being the Sabbath, we kept it low key and just went to see the town.  We did use our bikes, for transportation, as finding parking would be hard.
I love just being together, having a new experience--
We loved seeing all the roosters strutting around all over the island!
Here's Ryah with her rooster friend (up on the sidewalk ledge)-- 
We went down to the "Southernmost Point"--
I took a screenshot of our location, just because it's cool!
Just a couple of months ago, we were at Cape Flattery, the most northwestern point of the continental US. And now, we are at the most southern point! What an adventure!
We enjoyed a nice walk out on the pier, too. 
Deep in conversation. I'm so grateful that our kids are each other's best friends!

Christmas! :)
Key West mural--
With my Mr. JQ--
We went to walk along the harbor, too. 

And we had some unexpected excitement!
Just hanging out...

We ended up seeing four, once we found where the "iguana hang-out" was!
But this guy was our favorite...very active!
And then, we had another surprise--Colton spotted it first..
Every 5 minutes or so, he would come up for some air, and then go back down--

That was so fun! We loved watching him.
It was a nice, pleasant visit to Key West.
On the long drive back, we finished listening to the book "Insights", with spiritual stories and experiences from Pres. Russell M. Nelson's life! It is SO good.  I had read it before, and wanted the whole family to enjoy it.  Pres. Nelson is such an amazing example--and I love that the kids could learn from these stories, as well.  I think next, we will listen to Pres. Dallin H. Oaks' biography!
We also listened to a recent talk by Sheri Dew--"Prophets can see around corners". Such good principles to be learning and remembering. It was a wonderful Sunday!

Along with our fun Christmas decorations in the RV, we have also been focused on the various names of the Savior. I believe we have started a new tradition!
In the recent General Conference, Elder Jonathan S. Schmitt spoke on "That They Might Know Thee". He talked about studying all the various names of Christ, and trying to become more like Him, by focusing on those things. I loved that. So, we decided for the Christmas season, to focus on a different name of Jesus Christ each day, and how we are grateful for that role/attribute, and how it can influence us.
I really have loved doing this, and the focus it helps us to have on Jesus Christ.
I love the Christmas season, and focusing on why we celebrate His birth--what He came into the world to do and be...for us!

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