Yes, it's true. I did indeed put "back home" in quotation marks....we are back. We are in our house again, but "home" is wherever we are together. You know? So, we were away from our house, that is true. But, with being together...our home was wherever our RV took us. I'm grateful that 'home' is wherever we are together!
It is a very bittersweet feeling. We miss being on the road and traveling together, and all the experiences and opportunities. It's an adjustment. But, it is also good to be back in our house. I think the piano has been used practically non-stop! I love listening to the music. Here is Ryah and Sierra together, Ryah playing and encouraging Sierra in her singing. It's the cutest!
One of Sierra's personal development goals for this next while is to learn to cook and make a few things. I've taught her to make eggs and such. But pancakes is one of the new ones she wanted to learn! Jonnie worked with her, helping her with all the steps. "So sweet, my Daddy" (as Ryah said when she was 2, and we all like to quote it!).
We got the RV cleaned out pretty quick, and then we took the next few days to clean out our storage unit (in our "free time"). Ha ha. But, this team is amazing at working together! We did it pretty quickly. Love when we work together!
(empty storage unit--don't have to pay for that anymore!)
Our first Sunday back....Colton was interviewed before church, and then ordained after church. Colton is now a deacon, ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood! So proud of him. He is a good soul. I gave him his "Grandpa Craig tie" for the big day. On such a special occasion, Jonnie, Janson, and Colton all wore their "Grandpa Craig ties" (his favorite color was red, can you tell?). :)
Colton has been excited. There was a sweet spirit there, and I felt so grateful for his readiness and his desire to bear the priesthood and serve. A week later was his first time passing the sacrament and he did a great job! He was a little nervous (not surprising), but he did it! He handled himself well, and he expressed appreciation for a couple of the older deacons, who have been welcoming and helpful. Grateful for good examples and good kids that help.
Daxton is only 17 months younger than Colton, but because of the change where boys go into Young Mens when they are 11 turning 12...Daxton will turn 11 in a year (February), and then have to wait until the FOLLOWING January to be ordained. So, he's waiting for 2 more years! He was disappointed about that, but understanding. He will be looking forward to it...
Proud of Colton! He has grown so much. I sure love this boy!
We are getting into our routines now that we are back, and one of them is the kids getting up early to exercise, practice music, etc before breakfast and devotional. Ryah has been getting up to exercise, and a couple of times, Sierra has gotten up with her. I love their exercise outfits together!
Speaking of we've been unpacking and sorting through things, Sierra has created some fun outfits. Hat, apron, soccer shoes and cleats. She's ready for....something!
We also had our homemade pizza and family movie night tradition started up again. Sierra wanted a picture of her and Jonnie wearing their aprons together--
Sierra is EXPLODING in the world of reading! She is amazing. She reads whatever she can get her hands on. I have her reading to me each day, but she goes above and beyond. She reads it all!
Janson and Ryah had their first stake dance. Janson was old enough last year...but they didn't have any before we left on our RV journey. He did go to dances at FSY last summer, but this was his first stake dance. And Ryah is 13 (turning 14 this year), so she gets to go now. So, they both went. Some kids in the ward got together to go, so they joined in.
I loved hearing the stories after. Mostly, I appreciate the good attitudes and efforts of my kids. They are good sports and they are very supportive of each other. Janson makes a point to ask girls to dance who may not dance often or who may be left out. Bless that boy, such a good heart! And Ryah is a friend to all, and sweet and kind.
The boys (Chester, Zach, Ty, Janson, Rigdon):
The girls (Ryah, Addi, Jocelyn, Charlotte):
They had a good time!
Sierra wanted to sleep in curlers, for her hair to be wavy for church on Sunday.
She is a cutie!
It was so pretty.
She looked so grown up!
My baby is 5....going on 12!
So, things are good. We have a lot on our plates that we are trying to handle, but we are taking it one day at a time. As we have been unpacking and sorting through things, we have been getting rid of a lot, too. I feel good about it. I'm not a 'minimalist', but I am a 'minimizer'. Yes, I made that up. But I feel this need to get rid of excess. For some reason...
I don't feel like we have a ton, but there is something about simplifying that I feel really good about. Perhaps living in a 40 ft RV for 10 months added to my feeling of how much we don't need! Simplify. That's the goal. So, we are working on that, too.
Grateful for all we are blessed with!