Through New Mexico and back to Arizona!

For New Year's Eve, we stayed in Midland, Texas.

Janson was always such a cuddly kid....but now he's a BIG kid, getting a kick out of sitting on my lap. Ha ha! Probably do-able since I'm not a tiny mom. (I just can't last as long as I did when he was little). 

We were laughing about how many Walmarts we've been to all across the country--grocery shopping trips, and also the multiple times we stopped in a parking lot and slept for a night (for free!).  So, we needed a picture in front of a Walmart, with the RV, to represent all those visits!

One of our favorite stories was at a Walmart in Ohio. We had been out east, where many states would either make you pay for plastic bags (if you didn't have your own) or they just wouldn't provide any at all! So, when we got to Ohio, we asked the checkers about it, if we had to pay for bags or if we needed to use our own....and she was genuinely confused. So, we explained about the stores out east.  
She shook her head and said, "Oh, no, no, no, we got bags and they're free. You're in the midwest now, honey. We take care of our people here!" :)

We got to our campsite and had our little New Years Eve celebrations!
And we enjoyed a beautiful sunset!

The party was here....

We had some fun party foods, complete with sparkling cider and a toast...

And we wanted to watch a classic movie together. "Singin' in the Rain"! That's a good one.

Reflecting on 2022, we talked about what an awesome year it has been for us. And how grateful we are. And how we know that with this crew, another (different) adventure is in store for us in 2023!

Love this team!  Happy New Year!

New Years Day, we went to church in Midland, TX.
Colton is in Young Mens now!  He will be ordained later this month...but he is officially a "young man"! :)
Janson was helping him with his tie....

And I just thought it was a sweet moment...
When Colton was born, Janson was 3 and he exclaimed, "It's a boy, like me!" I love that they are brothers.

We drove that day and I got to meet with my kids, one on one, as we reviewed their personal goals (with the Children & Youth Program), and changed some up.  Throughout the year we check in and evaluate and modify goals, and congratulate them on jobs well done. And this lined up with the new year.  I had such neat visits with them. And in some discussions, in particular, the Spirit was really strong. I'm so grateful for those connections and these opportunities!

We made a brief stop in Las Cruces, New Mexico--and the next morning, the kids were excited to see snow on the distant mountains.

We drove on and made it back to Arizona!
We made a little stop at Saguaro National Park. We have been there before, but added it to the end of this epic 10 month journey!  We watched the video, and explored the area a bit.

The kids thought this one looked like a person, or a Veggie Tale character...take your pick! :)

It was a beautiful time of day, and it is a beautiful time of year for Arizona.

Kids having fun!

These guys have done a ton together!

Beautiful sunset!

Mom and the crew--

Dad and the crew--

Good-looking bunch!

Saguaros, Palo Verdes, Javalinas....this is some familiar territory!

Back in the RV, before dinner....Ryah was working on something, and they all gathered around, amused at her voices and jokes with which she narrated her work. 
We talk about how we wonder if, back at home, we will still gather so very closely together, even when we aren't in just a 40 foot-long living space anymore. :)
I got up this morning, realizing this was the second to last time I would see this scene....
How many mornings, over the last 10 months, that I've come out to all 5 kids sleeping soundly, all in one little space. Good times...
This morning we also had an appointment at the Tucson Temple, to do baptisms for the dead.  Janson and Ryah had prepared names to take.  Next time....Colton will get to go with us!!  This was a wonderful way to start our last full day "on the road".
Sierra has officially finished her "learning to read book"! Quite the has 100 lessons, and she is just over 5 years old, and she finished the whole thing! She was excited.  I have taught all 5 of my kids to read, starting with this book. Another milestone. Another bittersweet moment.

I'm so proud of her! She is an amazing reader....she is picking up ANY book, wanting to read it. Bigger children's books, scriptures, maps, signs and placards in the museums,....whatever! She will launch into it.
We did some school work....
....while Janson and Ryah did their online classes.
Jonnie had Sierra direct the car off the trailer ramps "all by herself" (obviously...with Mom behind her, making sure all was well). But, she did great! She's been paying attention these past months...
Then, the kids and I headed out for our afternoon of exploring!
I will miss these excursions, from this journey...BUT, I know there will be many adventures ahead... 
We had a great life before, and I think our appreciation for our time together has only grown!

My Dad grew up in Tucson.  He moved there when he was 3 years old. Graduated from high school there, attended the University of Arizona and met my Mom there....
When he was growing up, going into the Catalinas and up to Mt. Lemmon was an escape for him.  He would be camping, hunting, and just hanging out with friends.  He is a mountain-lover, like me.  So, I've always wanted to explore that area a bit, knowing it was a haven for him.  
We started our way up there, but were stopped along the way...the road was closed because of snow, ice, and boulders up on the mountain. 

We were disappointed...but fortunately, Grandma Craig had mentioned to me that she and Grandpa went on some dates up in Sabino we went there to explore, instead.

We saw this shirt that was pretty awesome--
"May the Forest Be With You"--nice Star Wars reference, to go along with our love of nature and forests!

We went on a little hike, enjoying our time together.
I was telling Janson how I love getting out in nature, enjoying the outdoors and being together, and the quality time to talk and share and connect....I have loved those opportunities on this journey and want to continue that. Janson quickly said, "Yes! Let's do that!" 
So, that's something we hope to keep up.
Colton and Sierra, hand in hand--

Janson and Sierra--
We came across Sabino Creek...
And had fun listening to the "swirly water", as it got sucked into the tunnel passes under us...

The winter is a beautiful time of year in Arizona.
Daxton and Sierra found this stick, and said that it was an "S" for Smurthwaite!
We got to the Sabino Dam--

And then we headed back down.
It's probably quite apparent that I LOVE pictures of my kids, together.  In the moment, enjoying being together...I just love it. I'm a sucker for it, it is true.
But....can you blame me???
It was a good day. And we were in quite the reflective mood, appreciating the past 10 months and all we've shared together on this epic journey. And looking forward, knowing that we will have more experiences, together.
Ryah, Colton, and Daxton in deep and happy conversation--
Janson giving Sierra a ride...and her "shielding" his eyes from the sun. Such a helper!

LOVE time with my kids! Truth be told, they are pretty awesome.  I love that they are some of my very best friends! My husband and my kids, as my best friends...does life get better?
And check out that beautiful sunset!
It was our final night in the RV....and we enjoyed it. We had dinner, Sierra did some reading, 
we played games....
It was a good night.
The sun setting on our epic RV journey....
We returned to Anthem, AZ on January 4th....over 10 months since we left.
It was kind of crazy being back 'home'....
We had a lot of work before us....and we still do!
But, we got to work right away! We unstrapped and unloaded the car....for the last time.

"Ramps and straps"...a familiar phrase we have said and heart over and over.
This crew is AMAZING at it!
We unloaded Hoppo Tabi....taking out everything we had on the journey!  The kids counted up the jar of coins they have collected this past year. Throughout our journey, they would pick up loose coins in parking lots, at laundromats, just walking down the street....and they wanted to see how much it was, by the end. Well, they counted it up--$26.16!! Over $26! Amazing.
After working all afternoon, Sierra, playing around, asked, "How long are we staying at this place?" Oh, the mind of a 5 year old who has lived almost a year of her life on the road...she's used to being in a place for a few days, and then on to another!
We are grateful to be home, grateful for our experiences, grateful for our well-being.  We will miss our Hoppo Tabi journey, but we are focusing on how grateful we are that we got to take it! It was a formative time, and the memories will always be a part of us. I love hearing my kids pray and thanking Heavenly Father that we could do this, and that we could learn so much, and that we could grow closer. It does my heart good.
I've decided that's the key of our journey.
Trials, hardships, fun, wonder, excitement, exploring, learning, appreciating, discovering...
we did it TOGETHER.
And we will continue that---being connected and bonded TOGETHER.
The gifts and blessings of life far outweigh the sacrifices and difficulties. I know that.
(We also got our 100th magnet from this RV journey! It's been a fun way for us to enjoy and document our travels.  Here we all are, helping to put on the LAST, 100th magnet!)

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